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MÚSICALP | VINILVINIL IMPORTADOVinil Duplo Elvis Costello & The Imposters - The Boy Named If (2LP) - Importado
Elvis Costello

Vinil Duplo Elvis Costello & The Imposters - The Boy Named If (2LP) - Importado

Referência: 00060243836684
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Vinil Duplo Elvis Costello & The Imposters - The Boy Named If (2LP) - Importado
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Vinil Duplo Elvis Costello & The Imposters - The Boy Named If (2LP) - Importado Lançado em 14 de janeiro de 2022, The Boy Named If é o álbum de estúdio do cantor e compositor inglês Elvis Costello e The Imposters. Repertório dos LPs: Disco 1 Lado A: A1. Farewell, Ok A2. The Boy Named If A3. Penelope Halfpenny (Backing Vocals – Sebastian Krys) A4. The Difference (Backing Vocals – Sebastian Krys) Disco 1 Lado B: B1. What If I Can't Give You Anything But Love? B2. Paint The Red Rose Blue (Piano – Elvis Costello) B3. Mistook Me For A Friend Disco 2 Lado A: C1. My Most Beautiful Mistake Vocals [Guest] – Nicole Atkins C2. Magnificent Hurt C3. The Man You Love To Hate Disco 2 Lado B: D1. The Death Of Magic Thinking D2. Trick Out The Truth Double Bass [Upright Bass] – Davey Faragher D3. Mr. Crescent
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